Recently I went to Bangkok to attend a regional meeting of this NGO network called "Coailition of Asian Housing Right". Different NGOs attended this meeting and share their experiences on helping the urban poor and their housing situations. In the last 10 years, due to the expansion and development of cities in Asia, many people who live in slum area contiune facing eviction due to new infrustructure development, property development for the rich, as well as government's idea on wiping the eye-sore of the city. However in many cases such as those in southeast Asia, the urban poor make up as much as 40% of the city population (work force), however they only occupy 2% of the land in the city, this shows such eviction has great unfairness nature. In places such as Thailand, some NGO help the people to upgrade the area by themselves so that they can show the government the value of their living environent, as well as the habitable nature.