Friday, July 07, 2006


這兩天在讀朋友W給我介紹的[出三峽記].她把書借給我的時候估計沒有錯.我真的很喜歡這本書,而且把書一早還給她,原因是看到有一本擱在學校書店的書架上, 沒多想便把書買下來了.

作者晉永權現工作於<<中國青年報>>,於這五年內,走訪因為興建三峽水壩工程而被政府搬遷的居民.書內不只是圖片,而且有一個一個移民背後的故事.幸好作者也沒有過于煽情.而是從基層[grass root]反映出一個ground situation的狀態. 讓讀者去認識一些代表了十六萬三峽移民戶的生活歷史. 其中牽動著:社會,宗族,家庭,集體記憶…


北京三聯書店出版 2006年

Have been reading this Chinese book called出三峽記 chu sanxai ji [Noted on Emigration from the Three Gorges] the last two days. It was recommended by my friend W. Her guess was right when she lent it to me that I would love it so much. At the end I returned the book to her the next day as I found one selling at the university book store. I’ve got to have my own copy.

The author currently works at the中國青年報Chinese Youth News. In the past five years, he had visited towns and villages at the three gorges where they will be flooded because of the super dam project. He has met different people throughout his visits. In the book, there are not just photos but also one after one story of these emigrants. Fortunate enough, the author wasn’t a sensationalist. He shows an honest voice to describe these emigrants from a grass root level. The numbers of stories being told here enable the readers to get closer to these one hundred and sixty thousands emigrants, about their living history. And then it’s all about society, family lineage, home, and collective memory.

Still got half of the book to be finished shall drop a few more words later.


winchan said...

中英對照, 圖文並茂喎! hehe

Mei 許美琪 said...
